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There are 48 words containing D, I, 2P, R, U and Wwurshipped —— whip␣and␣spur —— underwhipped unworshipped Upper␣Midwest Upper␣Wendish wash-up␣period —— buddy␣wrapping underwhipping underwrapping wash-up␣periods whipped␣butter —— purple␣milkweed purseweb␣spider underwrappings whipped␣butters —— curlew␣sandpiper gunpowder␣empire purple␣milkweeds purseweb␣spiders —— churchwarden␣pipe curlew␣sandpipers gunpowder␣empires lycopodium␣powder spur-winged␣plover Tupperware␣ladies upward␣compatible Whipple␣procedure —— churchwarden␣pipes lycopodium␣powders New␣World␣porcupine Old␣World␣porcupine opportunity␣window spur-winged␣lapwing spur-winged␣plovers Whipple␣procedures —— Baldwin's␣phosphorus New␣World␣porcupines Old␣World␣porcupines spur-winged␣lapwings —— pull␣up␣the␣drawbridge window␣of␣opportunity —— white-rumped␣sandpiper windows␣of␣opportunity —— blue-winged␣grasshopper compound␣predicate␣word purple-backed␣fairywren white-flippered␣penguin
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 1 word
- French Wiktionary: 6 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 16 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 2 words
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