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There are 50 words containing D, K, N, O, S and 2Ydonkey's␣eye —— donkey's␣years —— Dostoyevskyan —— Dostoyevskeyan Dostoyevskyian hydroxyketones Sandusky␣County —— Buckley␣syndrome dyskinetoplasty hydroxyalkenals pyknodysostosis —— alkynyloxindoles baby␣duck␣syndrome Cockayne␣syndrome dihydroxyketones leaky␣gut␣syndrome the␣dickens␣you␣say —— dyskinetoplastidy hydroxyalkanoates ketohydroxyestrin monkey␣see,␣monkey␣do Novohrad-Volynskyi yucked␣someone's␣yum —— alkaline␣hydrolysis alkoxymethylidenes heavy␣as␣a␣dead␣donkey hydroalkenylations hydroalkoxylations hydrodealkylations hydroxyalkylations hydroxykynurenines indolylalkylamines Jekyll-Hyde␣syndrome Jekyll/Hyde␣syndrome Klüver-Bucy␣syndrome Ryther␣cum␣Ossendyke shaken␣baby␣syndrome sticky␣shed␣syndrome —— alkylideneaminoxyls Kearns-Sayre␣syndrome nicky-nicky-nine-doors shaken␣baby␣syndromes —— adrenoleukodystrophy beauty␣is␣only␣skin␣deep shut␣up␣and␣take␣my␣money —— ankylosing␣spondylitis dialkylhydroxylamines do␣you␣know␣what␣I'm␣saying polyhydroxyalkanoates Weber-Cockayne␣syndrome
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 2 words
- French Wiktionary: 16 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 3 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 2 words
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