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There are 144 ten-letter words containing E, H, M and Xalpha␣maxes Amerithrax aminohexyl amphimixes amyxorrhea anoxhæmia auxochrome axemanship bromhexine chalumeaux Champouxes chemotaxed chemotaxes chemotaxic chemotaxin chemotaxis chemotoxic chemotoxin chemsexers chloroxime chromopexy Dexheimers exact␣rhyme exanthemas exanthemic exclaimeth exhalement exhumating exhumation exhumators exhumatory exocharmic exochromic exomorphic exomphalos exomphalus exothecium exothelium exothermal exothermic extrahuman fauxhemian fax␣machine fenhexamid haemopexin haemotoxic haemotoxin haemoxylin hand␣mixers hemiataxia hemicortex hemimatrix hemithorax hemothorax hemotoxins hexabarium hexadimers hexaemeron hexaferrum hexagramme hexahemera hexalumino hexamerins hexamerise hexamerism hexamerize hexamerons hexamerous hexameters hexamethyl hexametral hexametres hexametric hexamidine hexamutant hexaprimer hexaprismo- hexasodium hexiamonds hexominoes hexosamine hexylamine hexylamino homeoboxes homeotoxin homoduplex homosexism homosexual hypoxaemia hypoxaemic hypoxemias lexemehood maque␣choux Marxophone matchboxes mesothorax metathorax methoxatin methoxides Mexborough mexenchyme Mexican␣hat Mexican␣hog Mexiphobia microhelix mixohaline monohexose multihelix munchie␣box myorrhexis myxorrhœa oxacephems oxamethane oxorhenium oxythermal phoenixism phorminxes reexhuming Schumer␣box sethoxydim sexaholism sex␣hormone sex-machine sex␣machine sexy␣shrimp sixhyndmen themotaxis thomboxane thumb␣index trimethoxy unbihexium ununhexium whirlmixer xanthaemia xanthamide xanthoderm xanthosome xenisthmid xenomorphs xeromorphs xeromorphy xerotherms xylochrome zymohexase
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