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There are 151 eleven-letter words containing E, F, G and Karse-fucking asking␣after beefpacking bikefishing boning␣knife break␣figure breaking␣off cockfighter dark␣figures defrockings degunkified degunkifies dewikifying diving␣knife eating␣knife Facebooking facefucking face␣fucking facelicking farspeaking fartlekking feedbacking feeling␣like fellwalking fergawdsake figure␣skate filing␣clerk fine-looking fingerfucks finger␣fucks finger␣lakes fingermarks finger␣masks fingerpicks fingerprick finger␣steak fingerstick firewalking fishkeeping flickerings Flickingers flight␣decks flying␣a␣kite flying␣knees flyspecking foliagelike folksingers folk␣singers foreign␣keys foreknowing forelocking forelooking foreseeking for␣God's␣sake for␣gosh␣sake fork␣grinder forking␣over fork-tongued forspeaking Frankenberg frankpledge frank-pledge freaking␣out Fredkin␣gate frying␣steak fuckfingers fuck␣fingers fucking␣hell fucking␣over fucknuggets fuck␣nuggets fudgepacker fudge␣packer game␣of␣skill garden␣forks genderfucks genderfucky gentlefolks genuine␣fake gift␣baskets giraffelike goatfuckers godforsaken Godforsaken god-forsaken God-forsaken god␣forsaken Greekifying grief-struck Guy␣Fawkesed Guy␣Fawkeses hatefucking hate-fucking hate␣fucking keepings␣off keep␣sight␣of kefir␣grains kerchiefing kerfuffling kingfishers Kingman␣Reef King's␣Cliffe kitesurfing kite␣surfing knife␣fights knifemaking knife's␣edges knights'␣fees lifehacking make␣light␣of making␣a␣face making␣after making␣faces monkeyfying monkey␣gaffs motherf**king niggerfucks overfucking package␣film packed␣fudge paring␣knife peacefaking pinky␣finger rasing-knife regular␣folk riving␣knife safekeeping safe-keeping self-killing self-knowing self-locking self-seeking self-sucking Skeffington snake-fright snake␣fright stick␣figure taken␣flight takes␣flight taking␣a␣five taking␣after The␣Kingfish tonguefucks tusked␣frogs wakesurfing walking␣fern walking␣fire walking␣leaf wokefishing working␣life Yankeefying
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 21 words
- French Wiktionary: 12 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 479 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 79 words
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