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There are 49 ten-letter words containing E, T, 2U and Vart␣nouveau Art␣Nouveau autum␣coves aviculture avunculate couverture cumulative curvatures duumvirate fluvaquent luteovirus multicurve multivalue multivenue outsurvive outvaunted oviculture subductive subsultive supurative tenuivirus truth␣value udifluvent uncovetous undevoutly undulative uneruptive uneventful uniovulate unovulated unpunitive unventured unvirulent usurpative uvulatomes uvulectomy uvulotomes vacuum␣tube Vatteluttu vauntmures veltuzumab velutinous venisuture vertuously vestibulum vituperous voluptuate vulture␣bee vuvuzelist
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