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There are 41 eleven-letter words containing 2E, 2H and Vbush␣vetches chevauchees chevauchées chevauchies chevy␣chases eighth␣nerve five-eighths five␣eighths harvest␣home have-a-go␣hero havenership have␣the␣time heather␣vole Heathsville heavenishly heave␣the␣log heavyhanded heavy-handed heavy␣hearts heavy-hitter heavy␣hitter heavyweight horsehooves mother-hives mother␣hives other␣halves overcherish over␣the␣head over␣the␣hill over␣the␣hump Preah␣Vihear rivet␣hearth shovelheads shrivelleth Thames␣Haven thatch␣weave Thatch␣weave Thatch␣Weave Vakhrusheve whichsoever whitherever
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