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There are 179 twelve-letter words containing E, F, G, R and Yaffrightedly Afro-Guyanese afterimagery agroforestry angel␣of␣mercy bag␣of␣mystery blaze␣of␣glory bourgeoisify butterflying city␣of␣refuge copyfighters courtesy␣flag crazy␣golfers cryofreezing cyberloafing cybersurfing decertifying decrucifying defecography denitrifying derussifying desertifying devitrifying diversifying donkey␣fringe eighty-firsts eighty-fourth electrifying energy␣fields extremifying fairy␣gardens fairy␣penguin fancymongers Faraday␣cages farsightedly fatigue␣party faulteringly Fergus␣County fermentology ferryboating field␣eryngos figuratively fingerstyles flagellatory flatteringly flickeringly flutteringly flying␣arches flying␣armies flying␣bridge flying␣carpet flying␣lemurs flying␣saucer fly␣into␣a␣rage forbearingly forebodingly forecaddying foreign␣money foreseeingly forgeability forgettingly forty-eighths fortyeightmo forty-eightmo Fotheringhay fragmentally fragmentedly free␣category freestylings freeze-drying freightyards freight␣yards French␣Guyana frenchifying Frenchifying frightenedly frightsomely Frimley␣Green fringe␣theory fringeworthy fringe-worthy frog-eye␣salad frog's-eye␣view frozen␣yogurt frying␣steaks fussbudgetry fuss-budgetry gadfly␣petrel galley␣proofs gallimaufrey ganefromycin gaudefroyite genuflectory Geoffroy's␣bat Geoffroy's␣cat Germanifying gillyflowers gilly-flowers girlfriendly girl-friendly glycoprofile Golden␣Friday graft␣polymer gravity␣knife Gregory's␣wolf heavy␣frigate hipsterfying honeyfuglers hyperforaged hyperforages hyperforeign hypergrafted ingratefully irrefragably Israelifying ladysfingers lay␣a␣finger␣on leafy␣spurges lyreleaf␣sage mercurifying nonverifying parentifying parsley␣frogs personifying pettifoggery pettyfoggers petty-foggers physic␣finger pinky␣fingers portuguesify Portuguesify preachifying precisifying premodifying prenotifying pretypifying preverifying profligately pull␣my␣finger pussy␣fingers reacidifying reamplifying recarnifying recertifying reclarifying recrucifying reflectingly refortifying refreshingly regratifying rejustifying relief␣agency reliquefying reliquifying remagnifying remystifying requalifying resatisfying resignifying respecifying retestifying revengefully right␣of␣entry safety␣orange sticky-finger sticky␣finger sycomore␣figs taking␣a␣flyer terrifyingly uncertifying ungracefully ungratefully unpetrifying unrefusingly unterrifying wife␣carrying Yorkshire␣fog your␣goodself your␣good␣self
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 49 words
- French Wiktionary: 32 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 10 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 12 words
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