List of 13-letter words containing •••• Rapid Mode Edit List Click to add a sixth letter
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There are 102 thirteen-letter words containing 2E, K, P and Yalkylphenones black-eyed␣peas Cape␣Cod␣turkey chalky␣percher cheeky␣chappie cherrypickers cherry-pickers cherry␣pickers Chesapeake␣Bay composite␣keys donkeypunched donkey-punched donkey␣punched donkeypunches donkey-punches donkey␣punches geographylike gypsie's␣kisses hockey␣players housekeeperly hyperalkaline hyperekplexia hyperekplexic hyperkalaemia hyperkalaemic hyperkalemias hyperkinaemia hyperkinesias hyperkinetics hyperlinkable hypermarketed hypernetworks hyperskewness hyperspeckled hypertextbook hypoketonemia hypoketonemic hypoleukaemia interkeypress jiggery-pokery keelyvine␣pens keep␣an␣eye␣open keep␣one's␣eye␣in keeps␣an␣eye␣out kelampayoside Kerry␣Packered ketopyranoses keyhole␣limpet keynote␣speech key␣person␣risk kidney␣punched kidney-punches kidney␣punches kinesitherapy Kirkby␣Stephen liberty␣spikes monkey␣flipped monkey␣parades monkeypatched monkey-patched monkey␣patched monkeypatches monkey-patches monkey␣patches monkeypuzzles monkey-puzzles monkey␣puzzles monkeys'␣parade nosey-parkered nosey␣parkered para␣ice␣hockey peacock␣alleys peaky␣blinders Peaky␣Blinders pedal␣keyboard persnicketily Petoskey␣stone phenylalkanes phenylketones picoeukaryote Pinckneyville pinky␣cheaters played␣chicken polyalkenoate powder␣monkeys pre-shared␣keys pseudokidneys psychokineses Purkyne␣effect Purkyně␣effect puzzle-monkeys raspberrylike skeletography speakeasylike speckled-belly spider␣monkeys Spokane␣Valley Turkey␣carpets turkey␣dropped xylophonelike yellow␣pockets Yorkshire␣pies
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 3 words
- French Wiktionary: 17 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 42 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 19 words
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