List of 16-letter words containing •••• Rapid Mode Edit List Click to add a sixth letter
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There are 56 sixteen-letter words containing E, 2M, T and Xapartment␣complex axiomatic␣systems axisymmetrically chemotaxonomical chemotaxonomists counterextremism dextroamfetamine dimethoxymethane dimethylglyoxime elementary␣matrix exclamation␣marks excommunications ex-communications executive␣summary exocommunication exophthalmometer exophthalmometry experimentalisms exterminationism extinction␣memory extrachromosomal extramembraneous extramesenchymal hemimaxillectomy hemopneumothorax hexamethylenamin homeothermotaxic hydroxymethylome immunoextraction immunotoxicities juxtamembraneous lisdexamfetamine matrix␣management metal␣aquo␣complex methoxyamination methoxybenzamide methoxycinnamate methoxymycolates methoxyphenamine methoxypromazine methylhexanamine microexamination mixed␣astigmatism mixed␣martial␣arts pneumohemothorax pseudomyxomatous radix␣complements Six's␣thermometers Sixth␣Commandment symplectic␣matrix taxonomic␣systems temporomaxillary time␣complexities tricomplex␣number unexcommunicated xenoimmunization
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 59 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 14 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 26 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: 6 words
- Dutch Wiktionary: 4 words
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