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There are 77 thirteen-letter words containing E, 3L and 2Tallodial␣title anticellulite belle-lettrist belles-lettres belles␣lettres blanket␣ballot bottle␣collars bulleted␣lists collaterality Ctrl-Alt-Delete digital␣wallet foxtail␣millet full␣throttles gluteal␣clefts Hallettsville halometallate healthfullest illustratable I␣lost␣my␣wallet intellectuall intellectuals intelligently interalloglot kilowatt␣alley laterolateral late␣to␣the␣ball latte␣liberals light-polluted little␣corella little-girlish Little␣Lawford Little␣Leaguer Little␣Malvern Little␣Salkeld Little␣Wolford Little␣Yeldham melilitolites metaltellines multilaterals multilobulate multiloculate multimetallic multipetalled multivalently nuttalliellid parallel␣texts patelloplasty plantolateral plastic␣bullet plentifullest potential␣well rollerbottles roller␣bottles satellite␣cell skittle␣alleys stellate␣cells table␣football telematically telepolitical telesatellite templatically tetraallelism tetrasyllable to␣little␣avail toll-collector tolyltriazole triethylsilyl triflagellate trouble␣at␣mill ultraelliptic ultratelluric untellability uphill␣battles waterfall␣plot yellow-rattles yellow␣rattles yellow␣thistle
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