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There are 89 fifteen-letter words containing E, F, I, L, M and Yacylsulfonamide arylformamidase baby␣of␣the␣family benzylsulfamide chimney␣flashing cyclotomic␣field cytofluorimeter cytofluorimetry decomplexifying deformationally difluoromethyls dimethylsulfate dimethyl␣sulfate dimethylsulfide dimethyl␣sulfide dimethyl␣sulfone Emirate␣of␣Sicily employee␣benefit emulsifiability exemplificatory family␣allowance family␣celebrant family␣histories ferrisymplesite ferrylmyoglobin fibroleiomyomas floating␣academy fluorothymidine fluorpyrimidine folk␣etymologies folk␣etymologist folk-etymologize formylmethionyl formylpyridines fragmentability Fregoli␣syndrome friendly␣matches full-bodied␣money galaxy␣filaments halfmetallicity half-metallicity homoflexibility hypersulfatemia hypofilamentous hypofolatenemia immediate␣family inferiomedially infinitesimally infratemporally interfamilially irreformability I've␣burned␣myself liver␣of␣antimony making␣the␣fur␣fly manifestatively marbled␣crayfish metafictionally metalloaffinity metareflexively metareflexivity molybdeniferous motherfuckingly multiferroicity multigene␣family my␣learned␣friend nanoemulsifying overfamiliarity oversimplifying phenylsulfamide plexiform␣layers preinflammatory premyofibrillar Pygmalion␣effect reformationally Republic␣of␣Yemen runs␣in␣the␣family self-importantly semifictionally semiflexibility silvery␣pomfrets stylephoriforms superformidably triflumezopyrim trifluoromethyl underamplifying underlying␣forms uninformatively unmagnificently unreformability
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 5 words
- French Wiktionary: 46 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 8 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 5 words
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