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There are 56 sixteen-letter words containing 3E, F, K and Lacetylkaempferol age␣like␣a␣fine␣wine Alekhine's␣Defence Babinski␣reflexes back-of-an-envelope belted␣kingfisher breakfast␣cereals Clerk␣of␣the␣Closet coffee-table␣books coffee␣table␣books defensive␣tackles dropped␣like␣flies Erlenmeyer␣flasks faces␣like␣thunder false␣killer␣whale feeling␣like␣death feels␣like␣oneself flavors␣of␣the␣week flavour␣of␣the␣week flew␣the␣freak␣flag forked␣riceflower for␣the␣love␣of␣Mike handkerchiefless hear␣oneself␣think Ince-in-Makerfield Japanese␣halfbeak Kahlenbergerdorf keeping␣to␣oneself keeps␣a␣low␣profile knew␣when␣to␣fold␣'em leaf-tailed␣geckos leg␣before␣wickets make␣mileage␣out␣of methylkaempferol monkey␣forecastle offensive␣tackles openside␣flankers rattlesnake␣ferns red␣flag␣knowledge refrigeratorlike Rockefelleresque sheep␣liver␣flukes skeletal␣formulae strike␣a␣false␣note take␣a␣French␣leave taken␣at␣face␣value taken␣French␣leave taken␣upon␣oneself takes␣at␣face␣value takes␣French␣leave take␣someone's␣life takes␣one's␣own␣life takes␣upon␣oneself took␣a␣French␣leave villain␣of␣the␣week weak␣nuclear␣force
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 22 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 321 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 133 words
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