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There are 320 eighteen-letter words containing 2E, G, 2L and R(page 3) single-parent␣family single-ply␣membranes skeletochronologic small␣molecule␣drugs spacefilling␣curves space-filling␣curves special␣linear␣group spherical␣triangles Sprengel␣explosives squabbling␣bleeders stereohistological stiff-leaf␣goldenrod sugarcoated␣the␣pill superintelligences supertechnological super-technological supplementary␣angle swarm␣intelligences teledermatological teledermatologists theological␣virtues thru-hole␣technology travelling␣carriage travelling␣salesman travelling␣salesmen travelling-wave␣tube travelling␣wave␣tube triangle␣inequality vertical-lift␣bridge viatorial␣privilege Villeneuve-la-Guyard violet-green␣swallow voltage␣multipliers wake-sleep␣algorithm wallflower␣cabbages waterfowl␣alignment Wegner's␣glass␣lizard Westminster␣village wilhelmvierlingite wireless␣telegraphy yellow␣bristle␣grass yellow␣dog␣Democrats Yellow␣Dog␣Democrats Pages: 1 2 3
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