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There are 35 eighteen-letter words containing E, 3H, M and NCamanche␣North␣Shore chronochemotherapy do␣the␣handsome␣thing Fedelm␣Noíchrothach frothing␣at␣the␣mouth ghosts␣in␣the␣machine ham␣sandwich␣theorem hand␣someone␣his␣head hands␣someone␣his␣hat high␣on␣the␣totem␣pole human-flesh␣searches ichthyohaemotoxins jumping␣Jehoshaphat knight␣of␣the␣thimble knights␣of␣the␣hammer lithium␣naphthalene lithium␣naphthalide methoxynaphthalene methylcholanthrene methylnaphthalenes midshipman's␣hitches monothiophosphates northern␣hemisphere Northern␣Hemisphere ornithocheiromorph shooting␣from␣the␣hip southern␣hemisphere Southern␣Hemisphere that␣time␣of␣the␣month theophilanthropism trimethylphosphine Uhthoff's␣phenomenon Whitchurch-on-Thames whole␣shitting␣match whole␣shooting␣match
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