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There are 86 nine-letter words containing E, L, R, T and 2Uacculture au␣naturel auteurial biculture clutter␣up coculture cultureme culturgen culturize culturome deculture enculture frustrule frustules frutefull fulgurate fulgurite futurable gurgulets inculture lecturous Lucretius lucubrate lusterous luxuriate luxuriety mud␣turtle multiuser multi-user multurers occulture outcurled outhauler outhurled outluster outlustre pultruded pultrudes querulant querulent querulist querulity reculture resultful reticulum Reticulum Saulteurs sculpture sepulture sulfurate sulfurets sulphuret supercult superslut surmullet suturable tellurium tellurous tremulous truculent true␣blues truefully tubercula tubercule tubulures tumulters turbulate turbulent tureenful ulteriour ultraluxe ultrapure ultra-pure uncluster unclutter unculture unfretful unneutral unrebuilt unrestful unruliest unsubtler ur-culture urtextual vulturine Zuurveldt
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