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There are 197 ten-letter words containing E, I, O, 2P, R and Sair␣poppers amphispore aporphines appointers appropries copperings copperizes corpeptins crosspipes disapprove dispeopler dispurpose dronepipes eperopolis ephorships epistrophe gingerpops ginger␣pops gossippers hip-hoperas hip␣hoperas hip-hoppers hip-hopster hip␣hopster hopperings hop␣pickers hornpipers horn-pipers horn␣pipers hyperopias hyperpions ipsapirone leptospira leptospire lipophores liposphere lipotropes micropipes miscropped misdropped mispurpose nephropids nephropsid nonshipper non-shipper nontippers nose-nipper open␣prison oppressing oppression oppressive opprobries organ␣pipes peperomias pepperonis percophids percopsids pereiopods perimorphs perioscope periprocts peripsocid peripteros periscoped periscopes periscopic perispomes perispores perisporia perpension perpession Persepolis personship Petropolis phirotopes piepoudres piepowders Pierpoints pinspotter piospheres pipe␣organs piperitols piperonyls pipesmoker plurispore poker␣chips polyparies polypifers poo␣pirates Popperians popularise populisers populizers porcpisces porcupines pore␣strips porkypines porphyries porphyrise portership power␣pills powerstrip power␣strip powertrips power-trips power␣trips pox␣parties praepositi preadipose predeposit predispose preimposed preimposes preoptions preplosion prepositor prepositus prepromise presbyopia presbyopic pretorship preworship prize␣pools proleptics propension propensity propensive propepsins properties prophaseis prophecies prophecise prophesied prophesier prophesies prophesize prophetics prophetism propliners propodites propolizes propositae proppiness propreties propulsive propylites prosaptide Proserpina Proserpine proshipper pro-shipper proslepsis prospectin' prospering prosperite prosperity protopines protospine psarolepid pteropines pteropsins pupigerous pupperinos pyrophiles rapophiles reappoints recoppices red␣poppies reopposing rosin␣paper sapropelic saprophile scopperils shipperdom slopperies spearpoint spice␣drops spikeproof spirophore spiroscope spiroxepin spoil-paper sporeprint spore␣print spot␣prices spot␣prizes stoppering strip␣poker stroppiest superpious superposit supertopic supportive topspinner top-spinner worshipped worshipper
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