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There are 161 ten-letter words containing E, I, O, R, S, T and Wadvowtries antipowers barstowite bestrowing Bridestowe brideworts Brownstein bruisewort Christelow contrawise copywrites core␣switch cowperitis Crosswhite cross␣write Dershowitz dice␣towers dime's␣worth dowitchers downstrike epigrowths fire␣towers first␣women fish␣trowel floweriest forestwide fowlerites frowstiest ghostwrite ghost-write ghost␣write growthiest growthwise Herskowitz howardites interflows intergrows interknows intersowed interworks in␣the␣works Lewisporte lift␣towers liverworts midtowners minitowers mini␣towers mistflower miterworts mitreworts mother␣wits nonwriters otherweise otherwised outlawries outswinger out-swinger outwearies outwinters outwitters overtwists overwrites oyster␣wife parrotwise Petrowskis Pietrowski powderiest power␣kites powershift powerstrip power␣strip power␣suits power␣trios powertrips power-trips power␣trips power␣units profitwise radiowaste resist␣work shiretowns shire␣towns showeriest shower␣unit shower␣with sicklewort siege␣tower Silvertown sit-downers smoothwire snowkiters songwriter Souris␣West spiderwort sportswise spritework stairtower stereoview strike␣down strike␣work swing␣voter Swinnerton switcheroo switchover tailorwise throw␣aside throwlines time's␣arrow Touws␣River towel␣rails town␣criers troughwise Twin␣Towers unworthies Urkowitzes vectorwise waitperson Warholites war␣stories wearies␣out West␣Briton what␣is␣more whistle␣for white␣corns white␣crops white␣cross Whitefords Whitehorns Whitehorse white␣horse White␣Horse white␣irons white␣rooms white␣scour white␣stork whiteworms white␣worms Whitmoyers whoreshits wine␣tosser wingstroke Winterowds wintersome Wintertons wirecloths wirephotos with␣reason witmongers Woosterian Woosterism workerists work␣ethics working␣set worldliest worriments worthiness wristbones wristphone writedowns write-downs writes␣down
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 38 words
- French Wiktionary: 49 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 68 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 23 words
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