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There are 189 eleven-letter words containing 2E, H, N, O and 2Rabhorrences amenorrheae amenorrheal amenorrheas amenorrheic amenorrhoea amenorrhœa androsphere anticoherer archenteron areneomorph arrhenogeny atheroprone at␣the␣corner blennorrhea blue␣norther Boehringers Breconshire Brethertons broken␣heart broken␣rhyme Brokenshire brontothere Bronx␣cheers brotherment brotherness brother-zone burner␣phone Cape␣Horners change␣order cherry␣noses cherrystone chlorferone chloroarene chloroprene choirscreen choir␣screen chronometer chronometre corner␣teeth cornsheller crown␣ethers desert-thorn Earthperson enarthroses encroachers enharboured enheritours enterograph ervenholder erythrolein erythronate erythrosine eumenorrhea forehanders forehearing foreshorten forethinker forewarneth forhungered freshperson from␣nowhere Gershengorn gonorrhœæ green␣herons green␣hornet Green␣Hornet harpooneers heartbroken herdsperson herrenvolks herringbone herring-bone heteroarene heteroaryne heterocrine heterorings Hockenberry homepreneur Hornbergers horned␣adder horned␣grebe horned␣horse horned␣viper Horner's␣rule horse-drench horse␣manure horse␣marine horsemonger horseperson hyperborean Hyperborean hypermodern hypertensor ironhearted iron-hearted iron␣heaters kinderwhore leptorrhine mercurophen nearthroses necrophores neighborred neourethral neourethras nephrometry nephropores netherworld nether␣world neurosphere nonadherers nonresearch northeaster northerlies northerners Northerners northernest northernise northernize North␣Jersey northwester nowhere␣near on␣the␣record ornate␣shrew orpheoreons orthocenter orthocentre overburthen overhangers overhardens overhearing overnighter overrunneth oversharpen overshorten overthinker overturneth perihermion phrenologer prehormones preshortens Prester␣John prochemerin Provenchers purple␣heron pyrenophore rear␣echelon recoherence rectahedron reenthroned reenthrones refashioner reharmonise reharmonize rein␣holders reinthroned reinthrones renourished renourishes rhinocerase rhinocerote rhodeoretin Rothenbergs Schoenherrs shareowners shore␣dinner shrinegoers shrine-goers southerners Southerners tetrahedron therearound therebeforn three-horned Throneberry Throneverse tiger␣herons trenchmores trendwhores truncheoner unbrothered underhorsed unforeheard verrophones weatherworn wherearound whoremonger xerorthents zero␣hundred
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