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There are 104 eleven-letter words containing 2E, 2O, 2P and Sapeirotopes aposiopeses be␣suppose␣to bondspeople colpopexies copepodites copper␣noses copplestone Copplestone corpspeople doorstepped doorstepper Europe␣shops forepurpose goosepimple goose␣pimple horsepeople housepeople loose-lipped neoepitopes nephoscopes nephropores nephroscope opeidoscope open␣proxies open-toppers operaphobes opponencies opposedness opposite␣sex overpeoples overshopped overtopples ozone␣papers paedophobes palaeoslope paleoslopes pampelmoose Peloponnese peoplehoods pepperwoods peptogenous perioscopes perospirone personpower person-power Persophobes persophones Persophones pestproofed phaeospores phenocopies phleboscope phosphorene photoexpose photosphere pigeon␣poses pleiotropes pleuroscope podospheres polemoscope pompelmoose pompelmouse poop␣oneself popemobiles Popemobiles postepisode postpetiole postponence precomposed precomposes preopsonize propenoates propeptones proposement proprotease prosiopeses protectopes protospeech protosphere pseudophone pseudopores pseudoscope pseudospore psophometer pterophores repostponed repostpones reproposers rope␣porters Scotspeople soundpeople spermophore spermospore spheroscope sporosphere stockpeople stopped␣over superoperon those␣people townspeople troposphere whoopee␣pies whoopie␣pies
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