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There are 211 eleven-letter words containing E, H, M, O, R and 2Tantimothers antitheorem arthrectomy arthrometer arthrometry arthrotomes atherectomy atheromatic autothermal autothermic bathometers betrothment birthmother birth␣mother botherments bott␣hammers box␣tree␣moth brotherment burnet␣moths butter␣mochi carpet␣moths chartometer chattersome chromitites cohortmates countermyth earth␣mother Earth␣Mother earthstorms earth␣tremor Eastermonth eat␣my␣shorts ectothermal ectothermic farthermost fathometers furthermost Gottheimers Great␣Mother guttermouth gutter␣mouth haematocrit haptometers hectometers hectometres hectometric hematocrits hematometer hematometra hematotroph heteroatoms heterometal heterotherm histometric homesitters homestretch home␣stretch home␣theater home␣thrusts homocitrate hostmasters hot-tempered hyetometers hysterotome hysterotomy importuneth intermethod katothermal lithometeor mammothrept master␣shots merthiolate metachrotic metacohorts metahistory metaphorist metastrophe metatheorem metatrophic method␣actor methoestrol methylators metroethnic metropathia metropathic microtether Mohr␣pipette Montrachets mothercraft Mother␣Earth motherplant mother␣plant mother-spots mothers-to-be motherworts moth-hunters motor␣hotels motor␣theory Mottershead mythomoteur mythopoetry night␣tremor nitromethyl northermost on␣terms␣with on␣the␣market on␣the␣merits optothermal orthometric othermother Oystermouth pathometers pathometric photometeor photometers photometric photostream phytometers phytometric pitchometer promethates protothemes retouchment Rothenthurm schmoo␣torte shorter-term short␣temper short-timers smothercate smother␣mate southermost stage␣mother starter␣home stay-at-homer stem␣the␣rose stenotherms stenothermy stepmothers step-mothers stethometer stichometry stretch␣limo surmounteth tacheometer tacheometry tachometers tachometres tachometric tam␣o'shanter tam-o'-shanter temporiseth temporizeth tetrachrome tetramorphs thaumatrope theocratism theorematic thermistors thermokarst thermolytic thermometer thermometre thermometry thermonasty thermophyte thermostats thermotanks thermotaxes thermotaxic thermotaxis thermotical thermotonus thermotropy thermotubes thermotypes thermotypic thermovents thigmotherm thioaptamer thithermost thrombocyte thrombolite thumbstroke thyromental thyrotomies tiger␣mother tiptoe␣mirth toed␣the␣mark toes␣the␣mark togetherdom toilet␣humor tomotherapy tour␣matches tracheotome tracheotomy trechometer trench␣mouth trichromate trochometer trophometer twirler␣moth up␣to␣the␣mark urethratome urethrotome urethrotomy voltohmeter weathermost whitmoreite Whittemores xanthometer yestermonth
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