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There are 85 eleven-letter words containing E, H, M, 2S and 2Tamethodists assithments assythement assythments Benthamists bismuthates bismuthites chemisettes chrematists cosmotheist earthstorms eat␣my␣shorts estheticism Ghent␣system hemastatics hemostatics hemstitches homesitters home␣thrusts hostmasters huntmasters hustlements just␣shoot␣me just␣the␣same Mahometists master␣shots mastersmith Matthiesens Matthiessen megathrusts metalsmiths metaphrasts metathesise misotheists miss␣the␣boat mistrusteth monotheists mother-spots Murphy's␣test musk␣thistle must␣weights nomotheists omnitheists pass␣the␣time pathosystem photosystem puts␣to␣shame schematists Scottishmen scythesmith semiatheist semihastate sheet-metals sheet␣metals shmaltziest short-timers Show-Me␣State Show␣Me␣State shutter␣dams smithsonite smoothliest soft␣atheism somesthetic southermost stay␣at␣homes stays␣at␣home steam␣chests stem␣the␣rose stenotherms stepmothers step-mothers Swettenhams switch␣teams telishments Test␣matches that's␣just␣me thermisters thermistors thermostats thomsonites time␣thrusts tinsmithies transtheism truth␣serums whitesmiths
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