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There are 104 eleven-letter words containing E, H, 2O, R, T and WBartholomew blowtorched blowtorches blow␣torches bolt␣thrower bottle␣whore Bower␣Ashton brotherwort Catherwoods clothworker corner␣throw crochetwork Crownthorpe doomwatcher down␣the␣road down-to-earth down␣to␣earth featherwood feather␣wool flower␣moths forced␣throw forewrought for␣the␣worse forthshowed Frolesworth ghostflower got␣over␣with growth␣cones hometowners Houseworths Knowsthorpe leatherwood Leatherwood Lower␣Thorpe money's␣worth motherworld mother␣world motherworts no-growthers no-hit␣wonder normoweight o'erthrowing one-two-three o'rethrowing Orthodox␣Jew otherworlds Otherworlds otherworldy outshowered overfloweth overgrowths overthrowal overthrower overwrought quoteworthy shelterwood sherwoodite short␣vowels showboaters showstopper show-stopper show␣stopper snoreworthy snowthrower snow-thrower snow␣thrower stone's␣throw switcheroos technopower thermopower the␣word␣is␣go Thorneywood throneworld throw␣stones toothdrawer tooth-drawer toothpowder tooth␣powder torchworked towel-horses tower␣houses tree␣hollows twopenn'orth two␣pennorth two␣penn'orth watershoots webworm␣moth West␣Horndon wheretofore whisterpoop wing␣shooter Witherspoon wolf-mothers womanthrope womb-brother Woodchester woodshifter Woodthorpes woolgathers work␣the␣hole work␣the␣room Wotherspoon yellowthorn youth␣worker
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 15 words
- French Wiktionary: 8 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 5 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 14 words
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