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There are 72 eleven-letter words containing E, M, N, O, S and 2Uæquanimous apneumonous autonumbers bofumustine but␣me␣no␣buts come␣unstuck cominuscule communiques communiqués cubomedusan curmudgeons dumfounders emulousness funambuloes glomuvenous homoneurous house␣number hugemongous hugemungous Huguenotism humdudgeons immunoserum immunotubes impecunious isohumulone jumentously lounge␣music lung␣volumes merdurinous monumentous mournfulest musclebound muscle-bound museumgoing musquetoons Mussulwomen neofuturism neosquamous neurohumors neuromatous neurotumors number␣fours pneumovirus pseudohuman pseudomucin Rouse␣number sonus␣medius stumble␣upon subdocument subumbonate supercolumn surmounters surmountest surmounteth suxethonium tongue␣drums tormentuous unbuxomness uncombusted undocuments unimperious unimpetuous unmarvelous unmelodious unmicaceous unmomentous unmurderous unsummonsed untimeously untremulous unverminous Venus␣mounds
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