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There are 140 eleven-letter words containing E, N, 2O, P, S and Yanisomyopes apohyoscine apoxyomenos berry␣poison bogeyperson centroscopy chronotypes copy␣elision cyanophores cyanosponge Cymrophones cytosponges cytosporone deipnosophy donkey␣drops dynamoscope econophysic endophytous enteroscopy entophytous eponymously euhypsodont felony␣stops genitoscopy genomotypes greasy␣spoon gymnophobes gymnospores honey␣possum hornyposted hydrophones hypermorons hyperoodons hypnodommes hypnogenous hypnoscopes hypnozoites hyponeuston hypotension hypselodont idopyranose iodophenyls isoneotypes isopropenyl jejunoscopy Keystone␣Cop Keystone␣Kop kinetoscopy lepospondyl lychnoscope lymphonodes monkey␣poles monophenyls monophysite Monophysite monosynapse mycosporine myoproteins myxosporean nephroscopy nephrostomy neurobiopsy neutrosophy nosotherapy oneiroscopy otophysines outspokenly oxyprolines paroxytones Pecos␣County personology phenozygous phonotypies phytocenose pinocytosed pinocytoses poecilonyms poisonberry poky␣bonnets polyadenous polychrones polygeneous polygonised polygonises polygonizes polygon␣mesh polygonness polygyneous polyhedrons polyinosine polyketones polymannose Polymnestor polynemoids polyolefins polyominoes polyonymies polyphenols polyphonies polyprenols polysensory polysulfone polyvidones ponderosity ponderously pony␣bottles Posey␣County pots␣of␣money procyonines ptychonomes pycniospore pycnogenols pycnospores pyelovenous pyoxanthose pyrazolones pyroxenoids retinoscopy Slope␣County solenoglyph somnopentyl sonotherapy sound␣poetry spectronomy spondyloses spongiocyte spongocytes spooneyness spoon␣theory stereophony stylophones supercolony synaptosome synzoospore toxinotypes trypanosome ulopyranose unopposedly xylopentose Yangtszepoo
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 35 words
- French Wiktionary: 128 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 5 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 9 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 7 words
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