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There are 51 twelve-letter words containing 2E, 2N, 2T and Vantimovement certain␣event coinvestment contrivement cravenetting deinvestment eleventeenth eventerating eventilating eventilation eventization eventrations eventuations interconvert intervenient interventing intervention interventive interventors interventral interverting in␣the␣event␣of introvenient inveterating inveteration joint␣venture nanogravette native␣tongue nonattentive nondetective nonextortive noniterative nonretentive nonvegetated overannotate pavement␣ants reinvestment Santa␣Venetia seventeenths seventy-ninth seventy-oneth shaven␣latten Stevens␣Point Svetvinčenat tax␣incentive turn␣of␣events uninvestment unventilated Valentine␣ant ventripotent whiting␣event
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