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There are 116 twelve-letter words containing E, G, I, L, O, R and Wbowdlerising bowdlerizing Bowdlerizing bowling-green bowling␣green Bowling␣Green coaling␣tower cooling␣tower crowdlending deflowerings downlighters electroswing electro␣swing Ellingsworth empoweringly flameworking flowering␣ash flowering␣tea four-wheeling garlic␣powder gilliflowers gilli-flowers gilloflowers gillyflowers gilly-flowers glimmer-gowks gold␣star␣wife Goldwaterian Goldwaterism gorge-walking gorge␣walking holding␣water interflowing let's␣go,␣Darwin lightworkers low␣breathing Lower␣Beeding meadow␣garlic merry-go-whirl metalworking mineral␣wagon nonflowering novelwrights Old␣Norwegian olivegrowers olivegrowing outlawyering outwrestling overflowings overswelling overswirling overwhelming porriwiggles power-cycling power␣cycling powerholding powerlifting powerwalking power-walking power␣walking preflowering pro␣wrestling pulling␣power reflowerings rehallowings religionwise reswallowing Rowlingesque shellworking shivering␣owl slower-acting slower-moving songwriterly spelling␣word steelworking Stringfellow strongwilled strong-willed tiger␣flowers underblowing underflowing underglowing wagonbuilder wallcovering wall␣covering waterfowling watering␣hole waterlogging water-logging water␣logging webliography wellordering well-ordering weregorillas Wigglesworth wild␣bergamot willing␣horse willow␣grouse wolf␣herrings wolfsbergite wolpertinger woolshearing word-wheeling working␣lives working␣title work␣like␣a␣dog work␣triangle worldbeating world-beating world␣endings world␣English World␣English Wormleighton wriggle␣out␣of Wriglesworth yellow␣nigger
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 25 words
- French Wiktionary: 28 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 57 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 35 words
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