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There are 111 twelve-letter words containing E, H, I, O, R, S and Zachromatizes anachronizes antherozoids apostrophize bachelorizes biographizes bradyrhizose bronzesmiths charcoalizes czarowitches deauthorizes de-authorizes Dershowitzes dihydrazones disauthorize disharmonize disthronized disthronizes exauthorizes geographizes gun-howitzers hegemonizers herborizings heroizations Herskowitzes Herzeg-Bosnia heterozigous heterozooids historicized historicizes histrionized histrionizes homogenizers homologizers Hoosierizing Hooverizings house␣lizards hydrogenizes hydroxyzines hyperbolizes hypothesizer isochronized isochronizes isoschizomer korzhinskite Loutzenhiser lyophilizers mesorhizobia metaphorizes misauthorize monarchizers neoschizomer northernizes oligarchizes orthodoxizes Orzechowskis ozonospheric phantomizers phosphorized phosphorizes piezospheres prophesizing pythagorizes Pythagorizes reauthorizes reharmonizes rehypnotizes rhapsodizers rhizodeposed rhizodeposit rhizogenesis rhizopathies rhizosecrete rhizosheaths rhizospheres rhizospheric rhizostomean rhodizonates Rishon␣LeZion sarcophagize schizophrene schizoposter southernized southernizes spherization spheroidized spheroidizes subkilohertz superhorizon synchronized synchronizer synchronizes theocratizes theologizers time␣horizons togetherizes trophozoites unauthorizes unharmonizes Voronezhians zenith␣sector zero␣fighters zero␣morphism zoochemistry zoöchemistry zoomorphised zoomorphises zoomorphizes zootherapies zootherapist zymographies
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