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There are 78 twelve-letter words containing E, H, 2O and 3Tathlete's␣foot at␣the␣point␣of autothrottle bathroomette bottlesworth bottom␣sheets choot␣pattern ethnotourist goes␣to␣the␣mat gone␣to␣the␣mat got␣off␣the␣nut henna␣tattoos hoity-toitier hot␣iron␣tests hotsy-totsies Hottentotese Hottentot␣fig Hottentot␣god Hottentotish Hottentotism months␣to␣date multitoothed on␣the␣viretot orthoacetate ortholattice orthonitrate orthopterist osteopathist othematomata out␣of␣the␣gate photoemitted photoemitter photometrist photopattern photoplotter photoprotect photosetters photosetting photostaters photostatted photostatter phototesting phototreated phototypeset photowritten pip␣to␣the␣post pottymouthed potty-mouthed protothetics put␣the␣boot␣in put␣to␣the␣horn race␣to␣the␣top shoot␣the␣shit shot␣on␣target sweet-toothed tetrachotomy the␣shit␣out␣of thiostrepton throttle␣body throttle␣down throttlehold ticketbooths ticket␣booths tithe-proctor tithe␣proctor tithonometer toilet␣cloths took␣the␣count took␣the␣point took␣the␣studs tooth-bottles toothpatches tooth␣sockets torriorthent toss␣together to␣the␣tonsils two-toed␣sloth Whitecottons
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 9 words
- French Wiktionary: 57 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: 3 words
- German Wiktionary: 10 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 18 words
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