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There are 185 twelve-letter words containing E, I, O, S, 2T and Vactive␣fronts advectitious adventitions adventitious aestivations æstivations antinovelist antisolvents antivortices betavoltaics bioactivates bivittosides bottle␣drives Brest-Litovsk casting␣votes coactivities cocultivates cohortatives coinvestment collectivist connectivist constatively constipative constitutive constrictive constructive consultative contemptives Cottlesville covenantists cover␣artists curvicostate cytopositive deactivators demotivators detritivores devastations deviationist devil's␣tattoo devotionists dissortative distortively distoventral ecoactivists e-invitations Elliott␣waves eventrations eventuations evilutionist evolutionist exhortatives extravastion extrovertish extrovertist favoritemost Forty␣Thieves Giovannettis give␣out␣stink give␣two␣hoots give␣two␣shits hot␣favorites interventors introvertish introvertist inventionist investigator invitatories isonutritive kuznetsovite labuntsovite lentivectors love␣interest mesoventrite mismotivated mismotivates multivectors negative␣cost neovitalists noctivagates novelettists objectivates objectivists Observantist obstructives osteoactivin outadvertise outinvesting overagitates overcuttings overestimate over-estimate overfittings overimitates overinstruct overinterest overoptimist overrestrict overstitched overstitches overstraitly overstratify overstrictly overstrident overtightens overtrusting overtwisting petrovskaite phytoactives pointvetches positivities postablative postabortive postadaptive posteruptive postfixative postpositive postventions postvertical private␣costs private␣stock projectivist protervities reactivators recitativoes reportatives resolutivity restoratives revisitation river␣bottoms rooseveltite seroactivity South␣Vietnam South␣Viet-Nam South␣Viet␣Nam Stakhanovite Stakhonovite starting␣over ST␣elevations stereoinvert Stevens␣Point sticktoitive stovepipe␣hat streptovidin student␣voice task-positive teuthivorous thevetioside toilet␣covers tomato␣knives topsy-turvied topsy␣turvied topsy-turvier topsy-turvies topsy␣turvies transportive transvection travertinous ultraviolets variety␣store vasectomists venditations ventilations ventrodistal vest␣frottoir victory␣at␣sea violent␣storm virtuosities visitor␣teams visuotactile vitellocytes vitrectomies vitrectomise vitreosities vitronectins vituperators vlodavetsite voice␣talents volatilities volborthites volitionates voluntariest voluntatives vortensities voting␣system water␣violets
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