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There are 108 twelve-letter words containing E, L, N, O, 2S and WAllensworths avowableness Barlow␣lenses blew␣one's␣nose blow␣one's␣nose blows␣one's␣lid blows␣one's␣top blues␣and␣twos Bondelswarts callownesses Cassel␣browns clownishness cowardliness crown␣glasses Disney␣Worlds downblousers downsamplers ebbs␣and␣flows flowlessness godawfulness groundswells ground␣swells hallowedness hollownesses honey␣weasels hornswoggles Kieślowskian knowableness Knudsen␣flows law␣of␣cosines Levandowskis Lewandowskis Lewandowskys Loewensteins lose␣one's␣wits lost␣weekends loudness␣wars low␣fantasies mellownesses minstrel␣show nonwashables Old␣West␣Norse one-worldists overslowness plow␣the␣sands powerfulness rolls␣one's␣own saddle␣browns satinflowers show-and-tells show␣and␣tells show-stealing slip␣one's␣wind slow␣news␣days slow␣one's␣roll slow␣steaming small-towners snailflowers snow␣festival snow-leopards snow␣leopards snowlessness snowmobilers snowshoe␣evil son-in-law␣eggs spindleworms spoonflowers starbowlines stencilworks stoneblowers stone-curlews stone␣curlews stonewallers strandwolves Sturgeon's␣law swelling␣soil swell-mobsman swell-mobsmen swivel␣joints swivel␣phones tennis␣elbows thistledowns towardliness townlessness townsfellows Walkenhorsts weapon-salves Western␣rolls whistle␣notes will␣contests Wilson's␣snipe Winklevosses Winston-Salem wobblinesses wolflessness womblessness woodlessness woollessness woollinesses wordlessness workableness worklessness wormlessness worthfulness wouldingness wrongfulness yellownesses yellowshanks
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 35 words
- French Wiktionary: 36 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 1 word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 81 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 28 words
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