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There are 85 thirteen-letter words containing 3E, 2H, O and Saces␣in␣the␣hole asthenosphere Chanco␣cheeses Cheeseborough Cheesebroughs cheeseclothed chloroethenes chokecherries detached␣house does␣the␣dishes done␣the␣dishes dress␣the␣house eleventh␣hours enthesophytes ethnotheories ethoxyethanes haloethylenes hard␣on␣the␣eyes have-a-go␣heroes head␣over␣heels heave-shoulder Hellenophiles hellenophobes Hellenophobes hellenophones Helly's␣theorem hepatospheres Herefordshire heterochelous heteropathies heterophemies heterophemism heterophemist heterophonies heterospheres homestretches home␣stretches home␣sweet␣home home,␣sweet␣home Horner's␣scheme horse-drenches horsefeathers horseflesh␣ore hotheadedness hot-headedness house-searches hyperghettoes lose␣their␣head lose␣the␣thread methanosphere Mother␣Theresa nephrospheres out␣at␣the␣heels overcherished overcherishes overheightens overshepherds paper␣the␣house Phersephoneia phonaesthemes sexithiophene sex␣on␣the␣beach shake␣one's␣head shake␣together shopkeeperish shot␣the␣breeze shove␣the␣queer show␣one's␣teeth southern␣beech technospheres terthiophenes there␣one␣has␣it there␣she␣blows thermospheres Thorpe␣Thewles tracheosphere trechnotheres weather␣houses weather␣shores Welsh␣Sheepdog Welsh␣Sheep␣Dog wheels␣of␣death whethersoever whithersoever yoghurt␣cheese
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