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There are 81 thirteen-letter words containing 2E, H, L and 3Tathlete's␣heart athletic␣tapes at␣the␣earliest automethylate batement␣light Bethe␣lattices bite␣the␣bullet blew␣up␣the␣tote blow␣up␣the␣tote Chatrouletter chestnut␣teals contemplateth cutthroat␣eels dilettanteish down␣the␣toilet enter␣the␣lists ethylxanthate expostulateth get␣the␣lead␣out ghettoblaster ghetto␣blaster ghetto␣lottery go␣to␣the␣toilet half␣the␣battle hits␣the␣bottle Hottentot␣teal kettle␣helmets late␣to␣the␣ball late␣to␣the␣game lattice␣theory lautenthalite leave␣it␣at␣that leptothecates letterweights let␣them␣have␣it little␣brother little␣pitcher mattheddleite methyl␣acetate multicatheter not␣in␣the␣least out␣at␣the␣heels out␣on␣the␣tiles patent␣leather photoelectret pitched␣battle Postlethwaite potash␣kettles shuttle␣vector slept␣together spin␣the␣bottle stealth␣wealth stiletto␣heels street␣clothes Taft-Hartleyed take␣the␣salute Talented␣Tenth tale␣of␣the␣tape teletherapist teloteropathy terephthalate tetartohedral tetraethyltin tetrathiolate the␣full␣ticket the␣hell␣with␣it thermotactile The␣Settlement thiometalates thiometallate to␣say␣the␣least Tottenham␣Hale trimethylated trimethylates triple␣threats tritheledonts turn␣the␣tables unset␣the␣table used␣the␣toilet uses␣the␣toilet Utrecht␣velvet
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