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There are 85 thirteen-letter words containing 2E, H, L, T, U and Yauthentiquely autogynephile automethylate bushy␣bluestem butylaldehyde butyraldehyde chryselectrum dimethylureas ephelcystic␣nu ethoxytoluene euglenophytes euphyllophyte exhaustlessly Flemish␣beauty fullheartedly full-heartedly heterostylous horseyculture housemotherly hyperclusters hypercultures hyperosculate hyperregulate hypersulfated hyperunstable hypervirulent inexhaustedly klyuchevskite Letcher␣County let␣go␣by␣the␣run leucocythemia leucocythemic made␣the␣fur␣fly make␣the␣fur␣fly methafurylene methylbutenes methylene␣blue methylglucose methylguanine methylmercury methyl␣mercury methylolureas methylol␣ureas methylpurines methylsulfate methyluridine milieu␣therapy multihyphened myoepithelium neuroethology neurotheology openmouthedly phenylurethan phylectenular phytomolecule pleustophytes polyurethaned polyurethanes ruthenacycles security␣holes Seychelles␣nut southeasterly south-easterly Southern␣Leyte South␣Hiendley southwesterly south-westerly spherulocytes superhelicity supply␣teacher the␣hell␣you␣say the␣line␣is␣busy theory␣of␣value thioureylenes thymonucleate tolualdehydes touchy-feelers treacherously trueheartedly unexhaustedly Wheeler␣County white-eyed␣gull white␣mulberry your␣other␣left youthlessness
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 11 words
- French Wiktionary: 43 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 2 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 4 words
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