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There are 79 thirteen-letter words containing E, F, 2I, R, T and Vaffine␣variety affirmatively African␣violet certificative configurative cryofixatives diffractively disfigurative driver␣fatigue fiery␣minivets first␣receiver Flores␣minivet francevillite free␣silverite free␣variation fricativeness Frightful␣Five frivolosities give␣the␣finger imperfectives informatively infrigidative invitrifiable isorefractive macrofixative microfixative nonfigurative non-finite␣verb nonfricatives overcertified overcertifies overfatiguing overfertility overfertilize overfiltering overfortified overfortifies overinflating overinflation overjustified overjustifies oversatisfied oversatisfies parainfective perfectivized perfectivizes prefigurative proliferative proof␣positive reflectivists reflexivities refrigerative revivificated revivificates rotodiffusive selective␣fire self-interview semivitrified sensitive␣fern starting␣fives tick-bite␣fever time␣of␣arrival transfugitive Trifluviennes undevitrified uninformative unvitrifiable ventriflexion verbification verifiability verifications versification versificators versificatory versificatrix video␣shifters virgin␣forests vociferations voice␣for␣print
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