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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing 3E, I, L, U and Wathleisurewear blueside␣wrasse blue␣wildebeest capsule␣reviews four-wheel-drive four-wheel␣drive juvenile␣powder lower␣surgeries Neutz-Lettewitz purple␣milkweed row-equivalence squirrel␣wheels unwieldinesses wheelchair␣user where␣do␣you␣live while␣we're␣young wildlife␣refuge winkle␣squeezes Zuppinger␣wheel 21 definitions found- athleisurewear — n. Casual sports clothing.
- blueside␣wrasse — n. Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura, a wrasse native to the eastern Indian…
- blue␣wildebeest — n. A large ungulate mammal of the bovid family and one of two…
- capsule␣reviews — n. Plural of capsule review.
- four-wheel-drive — adj. (Automotive) four-wheel drive when used as an attributive adjective.
- four-wheel␣drive — n. A four-wheeled vehicle with a drivetrain that allows all four… — n. (Uncountable) the type of vehicle transmission system.
- juvenile␣powder — n. Theatrical makeup in powder form that is supposed to make an…
- lower␣surgeries — n. Plural of lower surgery.
- Neutz-Lettewitz — n. A village in Saalekreis district, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
- purple␣milkweed — n. Asclepias purpurascens, native to the central and midwestern United States. — n. Asclepias cordifolia, native to the west coast of the United…
- row-equivalence — n. (Linear algebra) A relation between two matrices of the same…
- squirrel␣wheels — n. Plural of squirrel wheel.
- unwieldinesses — n. Plural of unwieldiness.
- wheelchair␣user — n. A person who is injured or disabled and uses a wheelchair, usually long-term.
- where␣do␣you␣live — phr. Used to ask where the person lives.
- while␣we're␣young — phr. (Idiomatic) soon, without much delay (urging someone to hurry up).
- wildlife␣refuge — n. A nature reserve.
- winkle␣squeezes — n. Plural of winkle squeeze.
- Zuppinger␣wheel — n. A kind of undershot water wheel with characteristic curved blades.
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 3 words
- French Wiktionary: 14 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
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- German Wiktionary: 216 words
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- Dutch Wiktionary: 77 words
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