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There are 63 fourteen-letter words containing 2E, 2H, 2S and Ubrush␣one's␣teeth bush-telegraphs bush␣telegraphs bush␣thick-knees cashier's␣cheque Cheeseboroughs churches␣of␣ease churchlessness church␣services clothesbrushes clothes-brushes clothes␣brushes cushlamachrees cushlamochrees cuts␣to␣the␣chase detached␣houses Dutch␣Shepherds hauls␣one's␣ashes heave-shoulders heptasulphides hermit␣thrushes Hershey␣squirts hide␣the␣sausage hits␣the␣buffers horse-chestnuts horse␣chestnuts horseshoe␣curve household␣helps household␣names Hughes␣syndrome humphead␣wrasse methosulphates missel␣thrushes mistle␣thrushes null␣hypotheses philadelphuses phosphoresidue purchase␣shears pusher-thruster Rathke's␣pouches rise␣with␣the␣sun see-throughness shepherd's␣flute shepherd's␣pouch shepherd's␣purse shoulder␣checks shoves␣the␣queer shrikethrushes shutter␣chances slaughterhouse so␣much␣the␣worse splits␣the␣house subhierarchies sulphur␣shelves superphosphate superthreshold thoroughnesses thunderflashes thundershowers undershepherds unhypothesised use␣the␣washroom White's␣thrushes
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