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There are 109 fourteen-letter words containing E, G, H, I, M, T and Yalright␣my␣lover amphipterygids archipterygium arrhythmogenic arrythymogenic biomethylating charity␣muggers chromogenicity cinematography counting␣rhymes creeping␣thymes demythologised demythologises demythologized demythologizer demythologizes dermatoglyphic dishomogeneity dynamite␣charge emergency␣light engastrimythic enigmatography erythema␣ab␣igne everyman's␣right fairy␣godmother fiftysomething fifty-something Flying␣Dutchmen fortysomething forty-something geomythologist geothermically glycochemistry Great␣Himalayas green␣chemistry heartwarmingly helminthophagy hemophagocytic homogenitality homonegativity homozygosities hydromagnesite hydromagnetics hyperalignment hypercomputing hypergeometric hypermastigids hypermastigote hypermigration hypermigratory hypermitogenic hypermutagenic hyperpigmented hypogenitalism hypopigmentary kinematography lymphangitides magnoliophytes manganotychite megalichthyids megalightyears megalight-years megalithically metaphysiology methylarginine methylglutaric microphagocyte mishyphenating mismethylating misphenotyping monkeypatching monkey-patching monkey␣patching monthly␣meeting morphogenicity myasthenogenic mycopathogenic myopathologies mythologizable mythopoetizing nonhomogeneity nonhygrometric oligocythaemia oligocythaemic oligothymidine orthoglycaemic pharyngotomies phlegmatically physostigmines playing␣the␣game Pythagoreanism regiochemistry remythologized remythologizes rheogoniometry rhyming␣couplet rhythm␣and␣grime rhythmogenesis rhythmogenetic salphingectomy sixtysomething sixty-something symphyogenetic thermogenicity thimbleriggery thymectomizing trimethylating twitch␣gameplay unmythologized
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 27 words
- French Wiktionary: 61 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 1 word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 23 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 2 words
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