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There are 105 fourteen-letter words containing E, I, 2N, 2S and WAbyssinian␣well anti-Jewishness antiwesternism bearing␣witness bewitchingness bird's␣nest␣swing businessowners business␣owners candle-wastings chewing␣sponges chinless␣wonder clownishnesses Conestoga␣wains consciencewise countersunwise counterwitness Danube␣Swabians Darwin's␣finches downexpression downselections dressing-gowned East-West␣engine Finland␣Swedish Glaswegianness growing␣seasons ichneumon␣wasps Indian␣wrestles intertwistings interwovenness Jewnited␣Snakes King's␣Pawn␣Games knew␣one's␣onions known␣universes know␣one's␣onions landownerships lick␣one's␣wounds longwindedness long-windedness nanosandwiches new␣Australians New␣Englandisms New␣Monasticism newsworthiness New␣Westminster New␣Zealandisms noteworthiness Odyssean␣Wiccan open␣sandwiches osmanthus␣wines pine␣woods␣snake port-wine␣stains rosy-red␣minnows sandwich␣panels sewing␣machines showing␣fingers showing␣one's␣ass singe␣one's␣wings sit␣one's␣ass␣down sixpennyworths Skipton-on-Swale sparkling␣wines spinning␣wheels spin␣one's␣wheels Stillson␣wrench Swedenborgians swimming␣stones Swiss␣stone␣pine swooping␣season unswervingness untowardliness unwaveringness unwearyingness unwieldinesses unworthinesses Venetian␣swells walk␣on␣sunshine walks␣in␣the␣snow wandering␣stars weakmindedness weak-mindedness weaponshowings webside␣manners weeping␣springs Western␣Frisian westernisation Western␣Regions western␣taipans West␣Kensington Westman␣Islands Westminsterian West␣Virginians whisperingness wide-handedness window-dressing window␣dressing windowlessness winners'␣rostrum winning␣streaks winterisations winterlessness Wisconsin␣Dells womanishnesses women's␣business wooden␣spoonist Zimbabweanness
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 20 words
- French Wiktionary: 99 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 190 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 53 words
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