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There are 127 fourteen-letter words containing E, L, 2M, O, T and Yacetylmuramoyl amygdalotomies amylinomimetic amylmetacresol antiemployment bioluminometry biomimetically callosumectomy commendability commendatorily commensurately commit␣adultery complementally complimentally crystal␣momenta dermolipectomy dimethylaminos dynamometrical electromyogram emmetropically endomyometrial ethmomaxillary ethylammoniums full␣employment fully␣committed glomeromycetes glomeromycotan haemolymphatic hematolymphoid hemilaminotomy hemipelvectomy hemivulvectomy heteromyelomas homomethylated hypermethylome hypometabolism immethodically kresoxim-methyl leiomyomatoses leiomyomatosis leiomyomectomy limited␣company lithium␣economy long-term␣memory lymphedematous lymphomonocyte mandibulectomy manometrically McMullen␣County megacyclothems megalomycterid melodramaturgy Melton␣Mowbrays memorizability metaflammatory metalloenzymes metalloenzymic metalloisozyme metallopolymer metamodulatory metamyelocytes metempsychosal methylammonium methylbromides methylenomycin methylmalonate methylmorphine metronomically microlysimeter misemployments misetymologize mismethylation momentaneously monoelementary monomethylases monomethylated monomethylates monomethylurea monometrically monomyelocytes monomyelocytic monthly␣meeting Monument␣Valley multiemployers multilobectomy myelomonocytes myelomonocytic myoendometrial myoendothelium myoepithelioma myofilamentary myofilamentous myrmecologists myrmeleontoids myrtucommulone neurolemmocyte noncommittedly nonmyelomatous nonsymmetrical omnitemporally ophthalmectomy ophthalmometry osmometrically overemployment paleocommunity plethysmograms plethysmometer plethysmometry polynomial␣time polyphemus␣moth royal␣stremmata self-employment semidominantly simple␣majority symphyomyrtles symptomologies terminal␣symbol tetrylammonium thermomobility time␣complexity tribromomethyl tympanomalleal unemolumentary unmyelotomized volatile␣memory wallemiomycete xanthomyelomas
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 20 words
- French Wiktionary: 24 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 2 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 13 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 6 words
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