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There are 83 fourteen-letter words containing E, M, O, R, S, T and Xad␣valorem␣taxes ambidextrously approximatives axes␣of␣symmetry axis␣of␣symmetry carboxamidates carboxymaltose carboxymethyls Christmas␣boxes chronaximeters concrete␣mixers enterotoxemias entomopoxvirus exoatmospheres exoatmospheric exomusculature exploratoriums expository␣lump exposure␣meters extemporaneous extensiometers exterminations extraclassroom extraliposomal extralysosomal extraribosomal extrastomachal extrastomachic extremizations extremophilous heteroexcimers heterohexamers hexamerisation hydroxymethyls Jordan␣matrixes juxtarestiform kresoxim-methyl maltodextrines matrixectomies matrix␣proteins membranotoxins mesoxerophytes mesoxerophytic methoxystyrene metrosexualise metrosexualism metrosexuality metrosexualize microextrusion microfixatives Microsoft␣taxes mini␣excavators misextrapolate mission␣mixture mixed␣fractions mixed␣metaphors mixed␣reactions morphosyntaxes mycodextranase North␣Middlesex pneumothoraxes postexperiment proximate␣cause proximity␣fuses proximity␣fuzes proximity␣mines pulse␣oximeters reapproximates reexaminations reëxaminations re-examinations septomaxillary sexual␣majority sexual␣minority spermatophylax spermatotoxins tetracomplexes xanthospermous xenocentricism xenoparasitism xeromesophytes xeromesophytic xerophthalmias
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