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There are 89 fifteen-letter words containing 2E, G, 2N, O and Wacknowledgement acknowledgments American␣widgeon American␣wigeons bandwagon␣effect beef␣Wellingtons blowing␣one's␣nose carnal␣knowledge clonewheel␣organ common␣knowledge counterswearing counterweighing counterwheeling crown␣green␣bowls dig␣one's␣own␣grave dog␣bone␣wrenches dungeon␣crawlers dwarf␣green␣anole eating␣one's␣words Eurasian␣wigeons expand␣one's␣wings few-shot␣learning finger␣to␣the␣wind foundling␣wheels gentlewomanhood gentlewomanlike gone␣down␣the␣tube gone␣nowhere␣fast gone␣with␣one's␣gut gone␣with␣the␣wind government␣wharf green␣junglefowl Greenwood␣County hang␣on␣every␣word heaving␣into␣view Ingleby␣Greenhow internetworking Kingdom␣of␣Sweden knocked␣down␣a␣peg know-everythings know␣everythings mending␣one's␣ways Middle␣Norwegian Modern␣Norwegian monkeys'␣weddings monkeywrenching monkey-wrenching monkey␣wrenching narrow-angle␣lens neoschwagerinid New␣Englishwoman New␣Englishwomen Newgate␣knockers Newton␣Longville nonacknowledged overflowingness overweeningness reacknowledging Roaring␣Twenties roweling-needles short␣sweetening software␣engines speed␣networking spread␣one's␣wings swearing␣contest sweet␣young␣thing to␣one's␣knowledge towering␣inferno twentysomething twenty-something two-stroke␣engine unknowledgeable unknowledgeably unwelcomingness Völkerwanderung walking␣skeleton watch␣one's␣tongue webconferencing went␣with␣one's␣gut Western␣Unioning wild␣mangosteens Winnipeg␣couches Winnipeg␣goldeye women␣of␣the␣night Wotton-under-Edge wrongheadedness wrong-headedness wrongmindedness wrong-mindedness
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 13 words
- French Wiktionary: 26 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 184 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 139 words
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