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There are 76 fifteen-letter words containing 2E, H, N, T and 2Yacetylhydrazine Allegheny␣County antehypophyseal antierythrocyte any␣day␣of␣the␣week benzyloxymethyl cybertechnology cyclomethycaine dehydrobutyrine deoxyhypusinate deoxythymidines desoxythymidine diarylmethylene dihydroxyketone dimethoxybenzyl dimethoxyphenyl dimethylglycine diphenylacetyls dipropylethynes ethylpyrimidine ethynylbenzenes glycophenotypes hepatodysentery heterosynkaryon hydroxybenzoate hydroxytoluenes hydroxytoulenes hymenopterology hyperadenylated hyperendemicity hyperfemininity hypermyelinated hyperneddylated hypernegatively hyperoxygenated hyperoxygenates hyperpigmentary hypersensuality literal␣theonymy lymphadenectomy mesenchymocytes methoxybiphenyl methoxypyrazine methylacetylene methylcytosines methylenomycins methylfluorenyl methylhydrazine methylpyrazines methylpyridines methyltyrosines myeloneuropathy neuromyelopathy neuropsychotype nonerythrocytes panhysterectomy pentaerythrityl pentanoxymethyl phenylacetylene phenylbutyrates phenylpyruvates phycoerythrines polyoxyethylene prymnesiophytes psychosyntheses synesthetically syntelencephaly trihexyphenidyl trimethyllysine trimethylphenyl trioxymethylene triphenylmethyl tuppenny-ha'penny twopenny-ha'penny worth␣every␣penny zygnematophytes
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 3 words
- French Wiktionary: 40 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 1 word
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