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There are 43 fifteen-letter words containing 2E, L, O, P, U and Xbicomplex␣number calcium␣peroxide complex␣measures corpulence␣index counterexamples counterexploits crusader␣complex deoxyspergualin diverticulopexy double-exposures double␣exposures dual-exceptional ephebosexuality expostulatively heteroduplexing immune␣complexes immunocomplexed immunocomplexes launch␣complexes lithium␣peroxide nonhypertextual nucleocomplexes perfluorohexane peroxidisulfate peroxodisulfate peroxydisulfate polysexualities pretextual␣stops pseudohexagonal pseudosexuality Republic␣of␣Texas Reuleaux␣polygon sexual␣complexes sexual␣predators superexaltation superexploiting superexplosions superexplosives Supplee's␣paradox underexploiting unexceptionable unexceptionably unexceptionally
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