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There are 46 fifteen-letter words containing E, G, I, O, P, T and Zanthropogenized apophthegmatize apothegmatizing complementizing conceptualizing cooperativizing dehospitalizing demetaphorizing depathologizing depidginization Egyptianization enhypostatizing epizootological ethnographizing hypomentalizing hyposensitizing magnotrapezoids monophthongized monophthongizes nephrectomizing palaeozoologist paleozoologists perfectionizing peritonealizing pettifogulizing phlegmatization postmodernizing preenergization preglottalizing preorganization protestantizing Protestantizing psychometrizing rehospitalizing remetaphorizing repathologizing right␣trapezoids sphenozygomatic splenectomizing supercategorize tetraploidizing underoptimizing undiphthongized Yangtze␣dolphins zero-point␣energy zeugmatographic
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