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There are 416 fifteen-letter words containing E, 2I, M, O, T and Y(page 3) stylometricians superluminosity symmetrisations symmetrizations sympathomimesis sympathomimetic symphysiotomies symplectisation symplectization systematisation systematization Tennysonianisms Territorial␣Army thalidomide␣baby thermoinducibly thermophilicity thermostability thermozymocidin thiohydroximate thiopyrimidines thirtysomething thirty-something thrombogenicity thyroidectomies thyroidectomise thyroidectomize thyrotropinemia time-consumingly toxic␣femininity trichomycterids triflumezopyrim trimethylations tripropylamines trypanosomicide tumorigenically tumourigenicity tympanoperiotic uncompetitively underluminosity unemployability unimolecularity uninformatively unmeritoriously unreformability Vermilion␣County vermilionectomy videoplanimetry viscometrically visible␣minority Winter␣Olympians yellow␣trilliums yield␣to␣maturity ytterbium␣oxides zoosemiotically Pages: 1 2 3
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