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There are 95 fifteen-letter words containing E, I, 3R, S and Yarctic␣raspberry armillary␣sphere barriers␣to␣entry bicycle␣carriers binary␣operators cranberry␣juices cybercurrencies cybernarratives cyberterrorists Derbyshire␣spars dihydropyrroles dorsoanteriorly eggstraordinary erythrapheresis erythrocarpines erythrocruorins erythrodextrins erythroneurines erythropheresis erythrosiderite feeling␣sorry␣for Ferrières-en-Bray ferriporphyrins ferroporphyrins Fly␣River␣turtles gerrymanderings graveyard␣orbits graveyard␣spiral gray␣triggerfish great␣grey␣shrike Gregory's␣mixture Gregory's␣Mixture holly␣barberries hydrodresserite hydroscarbroite hypercarnivores hypercorrectism hyperhurricanes hyperpolarizers hyperproperties hyperrepression hyperresorption hypersialorrhea hypertranscribe hyperuricosuria insurrectionary irreprehensibly irreversability irreversibility literary␣present merry␣as␣a␣cricket microserigraphy microspirometry minority␣reports murder␣mysteries nasorespiratory Ommaya␣reservoir osmorespiratory paracryptodires parrying␣daggers prerecessionary primary␣energies primary␣research primary␣stresses printer's␣devilry Printer's␣Devilry proterogyrinids railway␣wrappers raspberry␣ripple recovery␣boilers recursion␣theory referendaryship Reiter's␣syndrome repercussionary respiratory␣rate resurrectionary retrogressively rights␣of␣reentry ruby␣anniversary Schottky␣barrier Sealyham␣terrier security␣printer shutter-priority shutter␣priority sinorespiratory strawberry␣snail superb␣fairywren superb␣lyrebirds supernumerarily terroristically tertiary␣colours tertiary␣sectors tertiary␣sources urinary␣bladders Yorkshire␣caviar
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 11 words
- French Wiktionary: 213 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 7 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 8 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 3 words
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