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There are 77 fifteen-letter words containing E, 2M, 2S, T and Yadenomyomatoses adenomyomatosis antisymmetrised antisymmetriser antisymmetrizes asymmetricities axiomatic␣system axisymmetrising butylmagnesiums chemosystematic community␣chests community␣nurses computer␣systems cystometrograms dermatomyositis dynamical␣system eigensymmetries embedded␣systems emphysematously gaming␣the␣system hemiascomycetes hemiglossectomy hemodynamicists imperial␣systems lymphatic␣system mesenchymocytes mesomycetozoans metalloisozymes metametaphysics metasystematics metempsychosing metempsychosist metempsychosize methylpotassium Mickey␣Mouse␣hats microecosystems microlysimeters microseismicity misetymologizes Morton's␣syndrome multisystematic murder␣mysteries new␣mysterianism Olmsted␣syndrome oyster␣mushrooms passive␣immunity plasmochemistry plethysmometers polyphemus␣moths pseudoasymmetry pseudosymmetric psychotomimesis Ptolemaic␣system quasisymmetries Ramsey's␣theorems rummy-nose␣tetras see␣you␣Jimmy␣hats shiver␣my␣timbers silvery␣marmoset sphygmanometers supersymmetries supersymmetrise supersymmetrize survey␣monuments symmetricalness symmetric␣groups symmetrisations symmetrizations sympathectomies sympathomimesis symphysiotomies symptomlessness systematic␣names taxonomic␣system terminal␣symbols thermodynamists thermohemolysis
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 13 words
- French Wiktionary: 83 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 1 word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 41 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 14 words
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