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There are 55 seventeen-letter words containing 3E, O, S, U and Xaccount␣executives anti-heterosexuals carboxyfullerenes cingulate␣cortexes compound␣exercises counterextensions deoxiribonuclease deoxynucleotidase deoxyribonuclease desoxynucleosides desoxynucleotides diastereomixtures dideoxynucleoside dideoxysequencing excrementitiously excursion␣steamers executive␣decision executive␣mansions executive␣officers executive-produces executive␣produces executor␣de␣son␣tort executory␣interest exodeubiquitinase exposure␣treatment extended␣household heterosexualities heterosexualizing hexafluoroethanes indecent␣exposures long␣exact␣sequence magnesium␣peroxide mediums␣of␣exchange monoheterosexuals multiple-exposures multiple␣exposures nominate␣executors nonclustered␣index none␣of␣your␣beeswax none␣of␣your␣bee's␣wax none␣of␣your␣bees'␣wax penny␣in␣the␣fusebox pseudoexfoliative pseudoperoxidases quantized␣vortexes recontextualizers reflexive␣pronouns regular␣expression run␣for␣the␣exercise see␣you␣next␣Tuesday sexual␣intercourse Siebenbürgen␣Saxon Siebenbürger␣Saxon unexceptionalness X-ray␣fluorescences
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 246 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 7 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: 3 words
- Dutch Wiktionary: 6 words
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