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There are 70 seventeen-letter words containing 2E, H, O, S, T and Zaestheticizations anaesthetizations anæsthetizations asthenozoospermia asthenozoospermic Authorized␣Version azoxynaphthalenes benzodithiophenes benzoheterocycles benzoisothiazoles benzothiadiazides benzothiadiazines benzothiadiazoles bisphenylthiazole demesothelization diazaheterocycles dibenzothiophenes dimethoxybenzenes Dvoretzky's␣theorem electrophoresized electrosynthesize Elizabethan␣sonnet eperythrozoonosis heterogenizations heteromerizations heterosexualizing horse␣tranquilizer hypophysectomized hypophysectomizes metempsychosizing methoxybenzamides nothing␣to␣sneeze␣at overanesthetizing overparenthesized overparenthesizes parenthesizations photodepolarizers photoisomerizable photosynthesizers radiosynthesizers rechannelizations rehomogenizations remesothelization rethermalizations schizoaffectively schizogenetically set␣the␣world␣ablaze shooting␣the␣breeze smartphone␣zombies sneezed␣on␣the␣truth sneezes␣on␣the␣truth sulphamethoxazole Suzie␣Rottencrotch Szemerédi's␣theorem tetrahedrizations thermodestabilize thermoplasticized thermostabilizers thiazolidendiones thiosemicarbazide thiosemicarbazone Topaz␣Ranch␣Estates transheterozygote transheterozygous trichlorobenzenes unauthorized␣terms voice␣synthesizers whittle␣down␣to␣size zoster␣sine␣herpete zygnematophyceans
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 301 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: 5 words
- German Wiktionary: 300 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 82 words
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