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There are 68 seventeen-letter words containing E, F, I, 2L, M and Sabdominal␣reflexes absolute␣fee␣simple alepocephaliforms children␣of␣Ishmael Christoffel␣symbol common␣bullfinches dimethyl␣disulfane dimethyldisulfide dimethylsulfoxide dimethyl␣sulfoxide disfellowshipment distiflagellomere early␣fetal␣demises emboliform␣nucleus empirical␣formulas emulsifiabilities exploitation␣films factual␣relativism fallen␣on␣hard␣times family␣resemblance fibular␣hemimelias fill␣someone's␣shoes first␣world␣problem First␣World␣problem flashbulb␣memories flavohaemoglobins flipped␣classrooms fluoroalkylamines fo␣shizzle␣my␣nizzle four-dimensionally full␣dress␣uniforms fulminating␣silver Gillham␣interfaces immortal␣jellyfish incomplete␣flowers informal␣fallacies laminate␣floorings lightfield␣cameras Lisfranc␣ligaments majestic␣flap␣flaps marsh␣fritillaries mellifluousnesses methylsulfenamide Mittag-Leffler␣star morning-after␣pills Moselle␣Franconian Mull␣of␣Kintyre␣test multiconfessional multifasciculated multifluorescence multigene␣families multiprofessional my␣fellow␣Americans myofascial␣release oldfieldthomasiid push-pull␣amplifier rhynchonelliforms sixth-form␣colleges softwarematically solenofilomorphid spacefilling␣model space-filling␣model St␣Kilda␣field␣mouse Straits␣of␣Magellan Sunda␣flying␣lemurs trisulfoaluminate tubulofilamentous welfare␣capitalism
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 128 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 9 words
- Italian Wiktionary: 1 word
- German Wiktionary: 96 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 16 words
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